Cancer remains our greatest foe since it is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for roughly 10 million deaths each year. World Cancer Day, observed on February 4th, is a global movement to increase cancer awareness and encourage people to take action to prevent, identify, and treat cancer.
Following are a few essential points we expect you to consider regarding the disease:
- Prevention is medicine: Knowing that lung cancer is caused by cigarette smoking is an excellent reason to quit smoking and avoid areas with high air pollution. Apart from this, needless to say, taking good care of your health and eating right is a must.
- Early warning is the key to success: The complexities of cancer can mean that cancer may occur even if we take the best care of our health. In addition, the chances of cancer happening tend to increase as we age. But cancer is much like many other diseases in that the sooner it is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat.
- Wide horizons of treatment: Even though the number of cancer patients increases every year, the number of survivors is also gaining annually. This is mainly due to the improved accuracy of diagnosis and a superior range of treatment options available compared with the past.
The " Hyderabad Cancer Hospital" provides an excellent service to society by delivering good cancer treatment at a low cost. A testament like this is written for a cancer-stricken family member of our employees. Because of the institution's practical and speedy therapy at a low cost, his family member is now happy and well. Such stories touch our hearts and inspire us to believe in humanity once more.
As a brand, Trendia is conscious of the patient's hardships and the trauma the family goes through. We have always dreamt of contributing to society as an organisation, and it has always been on our cards to serve humanity as and where possible. Trendia heartily salutes all the doctors and warriors who help the family gain hope in life once again. Therefore, as a small effort to thank all the doctors and as a token of gratitude to one such institution, " Hyderabad Cancer Hospital”. Consequently, we have decided to contribute 2% of our sales on 4th and 5th February 2022.
We hope this contribution from Trendia.co could provide a little help to the institution in serving the country's people. We genuinely believe that small efforts could bring out massive changes. So we strive to put more such actions in the future to keep the momentum going and spread as much happiness as we can.
Following is the link to the Hyderabad cancer hospital website. Make sure to check out the services they provide to make the world a better place to live :)
Cancer brings sorrow beyond the physical health of the patient. It is a journey full of emotional, physical and financial draining for the patient as well as the family. Let us promise to be more conscious and choose a healthier lifestyle.